Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum


Grant Brings New Resources

The Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum is updating displays, replacing signage, developing new walking guides and installing a wheelchair ramp providing better access to the Administration Building all thanks to a 2021 American Rescue Plan Act grant.

“The ARPA grant made a huge difference in what we can do as a museum,” said Gary Buck, President of the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum board. “We’re able to reach more people with these new exhibits and make the smokejumper experience even more exciting.”

The new wheelchair ramp provides better access to the Office and Administration building
Gary Buck and Harold Hartman installing the wheelchair ramp providing access to the Office and Administration building, the operational nerve center of the Gobi.

Buck and three volunteers, Harold Hartman (himself a Gobi smokejumper), Linda Hartman and Dan Laws worked for four days to install the new ramp and later poured a concrete pad that connected the ramp to the walkway. The ramp provides access to the Office and Administration building, the last structure on the campus that had limited access.

The ARPA grant funded the development and manufacture of new signage, much of which was sun blasted and no longer legible. The new signs use a larger font size and so are easily viewed. Among the new signs are three interpretive panels at the Information Kiosk at the parking area. These panels show a redesigned self-guided walking route, historic photos and information on how the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base reduced acres lost to wildfire while it was in operation into the 1980s. The walking guide was also re-designed and was printed in both English and Spanish.

New Signage Improves Visitor Experience
The old signage on the left is sun blasted and nearly impossible to read. The new sign on the right improves the visitor experience.

Several new displays help to bring more of the history of the Base into the public eye. A 44′ television screen shows video of smokejumpers, their unique culture and lifestyle and also historic training films from the 1940s. A manikin clothed in authentic gear now expands the impact of the Triple Nickels’ exhibit. QR codes link to narrated smokejumper stories and tall tales; these QR codes are attached to displays in several locations in the museum and are easily found with a phone camera. In addition to this unique digital exhibit, the museum’s website was completely redesigned and adjusts to both mobile and desktop views. Finally, thanks to ARPA grant funding, the museum’s Internet connection was enhanced and made more secure providing better service to museum managers as well as visiting docents.

The American Rescue Plan grant to the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum in 2021 was made by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act administered by the State Library of Oregon, and was implemented with the support of Southern Oregon University.


Smokejumper to Global Pilot: A True Odyssey

Lee Gossett tells the stories of his life as a smokejumper and as a pilot during the Vietnam War and for years after that. Follow his remarkable career in Smokejumper to Global Pilot: A True Odyssey. Drawn to aviation at an early age, Lee Gossett financed his quest for the cockpit by joining the elite smokejumper community. From fighting fires, he sought further challenges in Southeast Asia as an air specialist – a “kicker” – for Air America. Include several seasons and years as a bush pilot in Alaska, a cropduster in New Zealand, and Gossett moved from Air America to Continental Air Services, further supporting interests in Southeast Asia.

With gained experiences, Gossett’s expertise qualified him to fly U.S. government-sponsored tasks throughout Central and South America, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Follow this unique story of a smokejumper who became a global pilot.

Follow a remarkable career. Drawn to aviation at an early age, Lee Gossett financed his quest for the cockpit by joining the elite smokejumper community. From fighting fires, he sought further challenges in Southeast Asia as an air specialist – a “kicker” – for Air America. Include several seasons and years as a bush pilot in Alaska, a cropduster in New Zealand, and Gossett moved from Air America to Continental Air Services, further supporting interests in Southeast Asia.

With gained experiences, Gossett’s expertise qualified him to fly U.S. government-sponsored tasks throughout Central and South America, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Follow this unique story of a smokejumper who became a global pilot.


Author Talk: The Mouse That Soared on Aug 18, 2022 at 4p

Author Paul Fattig will talk about his latest book, The Mouse That Soared: Tales of Siskiyou Smokejumpers at the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum on Thursday, August 18 at 4p. The event is free and open to the public and advance registration is not required.

Paul Fattig, who grew up in Kerby, Oregon, is a retired journalist and now lives in the Applegate. His two previous non-fiction books are: Madstone: The True Tale of World War I Conscientious Objectors Alfred and Charlie Fattig and Their Oregon Wilderness Hideout and Up Sterling Creek Without a Paddle: Confessions of a Recovering Journalist.


2022 Work Week Planned

Plan to stop in at the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum beginning Monday August 15, 2022 to freshen up the grounds and buildings. There’s lots to do so your time and skills are welcome. A special event on Thursday August 18 at 4 p.m. will be historian Paul Fattig, who will talk about his research into the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base and the jumpers who called the base theirs. Call or email Gary Buck to make arrangements for work week.


SSJM Recognized by the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers

The NCSHPR posted the following:

The Siskiyou Smokejumper Base in Cave Junction, Oregon, opened in 1943 in response to balloon bombs sent by the Japanese military in an unsuccessful attempt to ignite forest fires along the Oregon Coast. During the war, the base in the Redwood Forest Ranger District was staffed by conscientious objectors. Smokejumpers parachute out of planes into remote forests to fight small fires to keep them from spreading. The base at Cave Junction continued operating after the war as one of four major bases in Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Its crews responded to thousands of fires in western states. It operated until 1981 when the U.S. Forest Service centralized Oregon smokejumping operations in Redmond, Oregon. The base, which is now the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places – NPS in 2006. Oregon Heritage and other National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers members help preserve the places that tell the story of the men and women who have placed their lives in jeopardy to fight wildfires.


Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum

By Tommy Albert (CJ 64)

Who would have ever thought a bunch of rag-tag jumpers could pull this off? But after 10 years of blood, sweat, and laughs, the base has never looked as good. It is now restored to its early 1950’s appearance with all the buildings shingled. The interiors have been refurbished and work continues on the displays.

This will be a never ending project but we have come a long, long way. Though we have a limited budget without the means to formally advertise, word of mouth and the signs posted on Highway 199 keep our visitor numbers increasing each year.

We have had over 2,200 people tour the base this year. Our visitors come from all over the country including some from Australia, Europe, and Asia. The unique story of smokejumping captivates the visitors and all have positive comments after their tour. Our volunteer tour guides say the enthusiasm of the guests creates a wonderful interplay of dialogue making it a pleasure to lead the tours. Again, all of us know the story of smokejumping is a fascinating one, especially to those who have never even heard of a “smokejumper.” You are invited to volunteer as a tour guide. It is a fun experience.

This past year saw many improvements and projects completed or initiated. One of the major accomplishments was restoring the original Base Manager’s residence that was constructed in 1948. Cliff Marshall (CJ 46), the second Base Manager lived in the residence followed by Jim Allen (NCSB 46), then Al Boucher (CJ 49). Later, married couples resided there during the summer and jumpers and pilots stayed there during the winter months.

The residence took a lot of work as it was pretty well run down, both exterior and interior. We had a lot of dry rot from the leaking exterior walls and windows; the plumbing was in shambles, the rugs and some flooring needed replacement, etc. The only good thing about the residence is the jumpers had insulated it prior to the base closing. Now the residence is a warm, comfortable home. The interior is freshly painted and a new wood burning stove was installed. The exterior has a new vapor barrier on the outside covered completely with wood shingles, again restoring it to its original appearance.
Dave Laws (RAC 66) got tired of the big city and now resides in the residence. He is a god send to the base as he is not only one of the primary tour guides along with Gary Buck (CJ 66), he maintains the grounds which have never looked this good.

We have started on the training area by erecting the old historic shock tower. This was a major project. First we had to locate the tower as it had been removed from the base and disassembled. Many of the components had been modified or lost. Then we had to go through the process of obtaining permission to reconstruct it on the base as the land belongs to the county and there were liability issues we had to overcome. To do so, we had to present professional engineering plans. We had to completely rebuild the top of the shock tower as that was one of the parts missing. There are still some finishing touches to perform but the main tower is standing tall on the property.

North Cascades Smokejumper Base, Redmond Smokejumper Base, Redding Smokejumper Base, and McCall Smokejumper Base have all assisted with materials to improve displays and we have a loan of old radios from the Missoula Smokejumper Museum to display in the admin office. Their support is very much appreciated.

The Twin Beech plane from a distance.

The Twin Beech airplane project is not progressing as we had hoped. Our problem is obtaining an on-site hanger to paint the plane in. There are some facilities but the cost to rent them is prohibitive at this point. We are delaying assembly of the plane because painting is easier and cheaper unassembled. Harold Hartman (CJ 65) is working on some grants to get the project back on track. To help fund this project, you can send a check to the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum at:

SSB Museum Fund
PO Box 2223
Cave Junction, OR 97523

We are enjoying a very successful, and ongoing, fundraising campaign that has not only brought in some much needed funds but has proven to be an interesting display and a popular part of the tours. It is the permanent posting of names over the ready room racks of those who jumped out of Cave Junction and a special area for those who boosted at CJ. If you jumped or boosted at CJ, you are invited to have your name permanently inscribed on the rack. It requires a $100 tax deductible donation to the museum. Send a check made out to the Siskiyou Smokejumper Museum to:

Garry Peters
168 Anchor Rock Ln.
Eastsound, WA 98245.

Come visit if you get the chance. We know you will enjoy the experience and undoubtedly it will bring back some wonderful memories of times past. In addition, our Museum Store has some fascinating items that you will be interested in for yourself or as a gift.

Thanks to Harold Hartman, Ken Swift, Gary and Chris Cote, Hugh and Collie Rosenburg, Gary and Kathy Thornhill, Steve Baumann, Gary Buck, Tahisha Buck, Walt Congleton, Larry Welch and Lanier Fischer, Jason Emonds, Mike Cramer, Pat McNally, Dave Laws, Mike Hardy, Tom Hunnicutt, Lee Gossett, and all others who volunteered at the last work week. Quite an effort by these folks.


Announcing the Apollo 14 Moon Tree Run and Firefighter’s Fair at the Siskiyou Smokejumer Base Museum, Illinois Valley Airport, Saturday, June 7, 2014

The annual fundraiser breakfast for Volunteer Firefighters will take place in collaboration with 22 local nonprofits and agencies providing a day of youth activities, aircraft displays, remote control airplane demonstrations, museum tours, and more. Admission to the event is free. Illinois Valley Airport is located four miles south of Cave Junction. Parking will be at Rough & Ready Mill. Bring your families to enjoy breakfast, free ice cream from Schwans, participate in activities, and learn about opportunities for youth to get an airplane ride, participate in local youth sport programs, learn to fly a remote control airplane, and go through the firefighter obstacle course.

Schedule of events:
8:00 Firefighter “All-Day” Breakfast
9:00 Activity Tables Open, Remote Control Airplane Demos
9:15 Flag Ceremony
10:00 Moon Tree Run
10:15 Mercy Helicopter Arrival
1:00 Jaws of Life Demonstration
2:00 End of Event

The Moon Tree Run is a 5 and 10K road and trail race. Information and registration can be found at

The Firefighter’s Fair, a festival full of family activities is provided by Volunteer Firefighter Association, Schwans, Golf Club, Camps Custom Excavating, Experimental Aircraft Association, Josephine Community Libraries, American Medical Response, Rusk Ranch Nature Center, Josephine County Foundation, U.S. Forest Service, Little League, Mercy Flight, American Legion, Tanker 61 Memorial, Search and Rescue, Boys and Girls Club, Kerbyville Museum, Garden Club, Rogue Valley Flyers, and many more!

The event is presented by IV Fire District, Healthy U, and the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum. Call (541) 592-4888 for details.

Find more information on Illinois Valley Community Events at

What is the Apollo 14 connection?

A firefighter who worked at Siskiyou Smokejumper Base became an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission to the moon. He took tree seeds to the moon with him and the trees that grew from these seeds became known at “moon trees”. Siskiyou Smokejumper Base at Illinois Valley Airport is the place where the Apollo 14 moon tree story begins.

Events Uncategorized

2013 The Moon Tree Run

The Moon Tree Run, presented by Healthy U, at the Sisikiyou Smokejumper Base Museum, Sunday, September 22 at 10:00 AM.

The Moon Tree Run, presented by Healthy U, at the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum.

Participate in a fundraiser commemorating the Apollo missions of the 19160s and 70s and Stuart Roosa, pilot of the Apollo 13 command module. Roosa was one of the many smokejumpers who worked at the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base. Roosa carried seeds to the moon and back to earth which were then planted at various locations throughout the world. One of these seeds was planted at the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base.

Moon Sprout Relay for kids

Kids 10 and under, Free! Register on the day of the Moon Tree Run by 9:00 AM.

Base Tours, Moon Tree Ceremony, and Awards

Tours of the Siskiyou Smokejumper Base will be offered. When the race is over at 11:30 AM there will be a special presentation on the history of the moon trees, a commerative moon tree ceremony will be held, and Moon Tree Run awards will be given.


Register at the Healthy U website or call (541) 592 4888. Contact Lindsey, Moon Tree Race Director, at (541) 592-4888 to volunteer. Check-in is at 9:00 AM, Sunday, September 22.


Before September 1September 2 to day of race
Under 18$10$15

Hanging Out with History in the Ready Room

Secure your place in Gobi history with our Fundraising Campaign

As we restore the Gobi, one hope is to provide recognition to those who made the Gobi so meaningful. One show of recognition will be in the Loft to display the names of Gobi Jumpers above the Suit-Up rack in the Ready Room.

Any Jumper who was part of the CJ crew during their career is invited to participate in this fund raising campaign that will permanently inscribe your name at the base. For a donation of $100.00, your name plate will be placed above the Suit-Up rack in the Ready Room. You, a family member, or friend may also make a donation for a deceased CJ jumper in their recognition.

Gobites never leave, they just hang around.

Your participation in the Ready Room Name Plate Project will insure that the most important part of the Base is present, the people who made it. Along with your check, we will need your first and last name, your nick name if applicable, and the year you rookied (regardless of which base you rookied at). Additionally, we will need similar information for other Gobi Jumpers that you would like to recognize.

Make Check to:

Siskiyou Smokejumper Base Museum

Mail your check to:

Garry Peters
168 Anchor Lock Lane
Eastsound, WA 98245

The plate will be approximately 3”x 1” and contain your name, nick-name, and year rookied.

Revitalization, Restoration, and Upkeep

Where the Fundraising and your Support goes

Are you aware that a Twin Beech has been gained and will become an exhibit? It sits proudly on the pad outside the Ready Room awaiting restoration and jumper modifications. Well received guided tours are conducted daily and extend midMarch through mid-November? All major buildings have been restored to their historical appearance. The interior of the Saw Shack is next. It is looking like the Gobi you remember.

The Beech has just arrived. It still needs the wings and tail reassembled, smokejumper modifications, and a paint job.